We hope this coming year brings you a profound sense of joy. Let’s face it, the holidays can be absolutely awful for those who have lost a loved one in 2015 or in any year for that matter. We ask the Good Lord for joy, because He tells us that there is a time to mourn and a time to dance. Even if your lifelong dance partner has passed on, we hope that in your heart you can carry on with the strength and the courage to dance once again. Perhaps it is not physically dancing, but carrying the joy he or she brought to your life and sharing that with your relatives and friends. The dance of life goes on until that day we hope to take the floor once again, with our beloved spouse. Grief is important, it is therapeutic. When you’re able, throw back your head and sing those holiday hymns, and spin your favorite songs. Our loved ones are indeed gone, but they are never forgotten. It is up to us to keep their legacy alive.

New York, New York

This Summer of 2016, Humenik Funeral Chapel is proud to present another multi-day tour destination. As we inch closer to Summer, we will continue to update the itinerary. On the back page of this newsletter, you will find a space to include the sights you would like to see. We’re thinking of Ground Zero, Ellis Island, a Broadway show, Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller center, and more. Let us know, either by mailing back your form, or posting your ideas to: www.facebook.com/Humenik.Funeral.Chapel.


Ring into Spring with a fun-filled night of dinner and a musical tribute to all the ladies of song. We will be traveling to the Riverside Inn in Cambridge Springs, PA in early May of 2016. This cabaret-style production features the best songs for women from such immortal musicals as Mame, Hello Dolly!, Milk and Honey, Mack and Mabel, A Day in Hollywood / A Night in the Ukraine, and La Cage Aux Folles. Dinner will include soup, salad, entrée, dessert, and non-alcoholic beverages. Further details in next newsletter.


We’re looking forward to another delightful tour season. In addition to the dinner show, we are looking to return to Put-in-Bay. It was a very popular trip and have had a lot of requests to do it again. Again, the crown jewel of the season will be New York City this Summer. As you’re well aware, it’s election time and perhaps you need a break from the mudslinging. We are planning a tour to Amish Country for a dinner theater performance of Josiah for President. Belly laughs and bellies full of awesome Amish comfort foods you’ll be sure to enjoy. Don’t forget to come out for the annual Memorial Day Parade coming this May 30th. The weather held back the crowd last year. We hope to see a surge of support for our active duty troops and our veterans as well. As always our goal is to serve you, our community. Please email us at: humenikfunerals@roadrunner.com, or connect on www.facebook.com/Humenik.Funeral.Chapel. We’re especially looking for tourist destinations.


In this second of a series of articles about local hospice services, we’d like to introduce you to Crossroads. Their motto is “Expect more from us. We do.” That promise extends itself to all aspects of end of life care. Compared to what you might consider standard service, Crossroads gives you more. Their nurse-to-patient ratios are low and their frequency of visits are high. “Whether our services are provided in your home, a hospital, or long-term care facility, we are 100% dedicated to helping you access more of what you need.” Their highly skilled hospice team: doctors, nurses, aides, social workers, chaplains, and volunteers are always ready to go the extra mile, even offering professional legal assistance. One of Crossroads many benefits is the “Gift of a Day” program. The patient comes up with what would make a “perfect day,” then Crossroads makes that day a reality. To learn more about what Crossroads can do for you and your family, give them a call at 888-603-6673.